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Sandler Training Orange County | 800-4-BAILEY

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Sandler Training

A critical part of sales qualification is uncovering the buyer’s budget - the investment. Salespeople are often uncomfortable asking a decision-maker how much money is available to solve a problem. The big question is: Why are so many salespeople so resistant to initiating this discussion?

And the answer is: there is a monster under their bed.

What do you do when a buyer or a prospective buyer says something aggressive or confrontational? Forget about right and wrong. Forget about whose fault it is or isn’t. That’s not an effective way to communicate with the buyer. Fall back! Find something you can take ownership of and own it!

Your job is to set yourself apart from the competition. If you’re selling in the traditional way, by emphasizing features and benefits, the only thing setting you apart is the company name on your business card – and maybe your winning smile. Let’s face it though, you need more than that!

When the calendar turns to July and August, most people struggle to prospect because they believe that all of their prospects are on vacation.  As, David Sandler said, “you can’t manage anything you can’t control,” so worrying about the time of year isn’t going to help you hit your Q3 quota.  Instead, do something about what you can control: your behavior.